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Topics Anywhere 1.11.0
Put the topic titles of any forum on your phpBB on any page you want... Here you can set your preferences on how to display those links. It is also possible to generate a RSS feed for use in a RSS aggregator
Output method:
Items below marked with (*) are only applicable when JavaScript is used as output method
Select forum and/or category:
Pick the forum of which you want to display the topics - hold CTRL down to select multiple forums - it is also possible to select one or more categories - just select the ones you want
  OR   Tous disponible
How many topics?:
Set the amount of topics to be displayed
Do not show topics with...:
You can hide topics which have not received a reply in the specified timespan, or those which have a start date older than the timespan specified - a combination is also possible - to disable this function leave both boxes unchecked (dafault)
 no reply in    
 first post date older than    
Jump to last post?:
If yes, the link to the topic will point to the last post immediately, just like the last post icon does - when no (default) the link will point to the first page of the topic
Oui   Non
Show forum name:
If yes, the name of the forum where the topic is in will be displayed
Oui   Non
Make forum name a link:
If this and the previous option is set to yes, the forum name will be a link to that forum (*)
Oui   Non
Show replies?:
The number of replies will be shown if yes is selected
Oui   Non
Show the word 'Replies'?:
If the previous option is set to yes, you can choose here to show the short form (e.g. '(45)' - select no) or the long form (e.g. '(45 Replies)' - select yes)
Oui   Non
Show normal topics?: Oui   Non
Show announcement topics?: Oui   Non
Show sticky topics?: Oui   Non
Show locked topics?: Oui   Non
Show moved topics?: Oui   Non
Hide labels:
Define which labels to hide on the topic titles - default is none checked, all shown
 [ Sondage ]
Sort order:
'Priority' means show first announcements, then sticky topics, then normal topics, 'On date' shows topics with most recent posts
Pick a bullet type to be shown before each link (*)
Show last poster?:
If yes, the username of the user who last posted in the topic will be shown
Oui   Non
Last poster format:
How should the last poster be displayed?
Show last post date?:
If yes, the date and/or time when the last post was posted will be shown
Oui   Non
Last post date format:
Pick the format in which you want the last post date to be displayed
Show jump to last post icon?:
If yes, an icon that will take you to the last post in the topic is shown (*)
Oui   Non
Use the jump to last post icon as bullet:
You can choose to use the jump to last post icon as a bullet - note that this will override any bullet selection above (*)
Oui   Non
Add a break:
To improve readability you can use a line break to show topic title and last poster info on seperate lines (*)
Oui   Non
Add a blank line:
This option will add a blank line between the topic titles (*)
Oui   Non
Maximum length (in characters) of topic titles:
Part of the topic title will be chopped off and '...' will be added at the point specified here - leave 0 (zero) to not use a limit (normal behaviour)
Where to chop off the topic titles?:
Define where the '...' should come - 'Previous space' chops off at the last space before the defined point, 'Exact' chops of at the exact defined point (and thus half words can occur) and 'Next space' chops of at the first space after the defined point
Previous space   Exact   Next space
CSS for link:
Define a CSS class to be used for the links - leave blank if you don't want to use one (*)
CSS for text:
Define a CSS class to be used for all the other text - leave blank if you don't want to use one (*)
Target for link:
Define a target for the links - any valid target will do, also special ones (_top, _parent, _blank, ...) - leave blank to use '_self' (*)
Use advanced formatting?:
Format the output the way you want it to be - select no to use the classic output
Oui   Non
String for advanced formatting of topics:
This string will be parsed and all variables will be replaced for every topic

You can use these variables:
§lbl§: label
§tt§: topic title
§fn§: forum name
§rep§: replies
§lpa§: last post by
§lp§: last post time
§lpi§: last post icon (*)
§br§: HTML break (*)

When using RSS as output, you can use '|' to split the <title> and the <description>
When using JavaScript as output, HTML can be used if it is configured in the Admin Panel of this phpBB (Le HTML est Désactivé)
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